The last time I reported Covid 19 deaths in Scotland on this blog we had six. This was back on the 5th of March 2020. Back then I was hopeful that despite the epidemic we might look ahead to a good summer with amazing customers.
Today 2007 people in Scotland have sadly died and everybody is still coping with lockdown. The good news the cases are decreasing!

But even if this trend continuous we will not go back to where we were before Corona took over all our lives.
I attended a zoom meeting “Economic Update with Royal Bank of Scotland” this morning and this has clearly strengthened me in my believe that it will be very unlikely Scotland can welcome international visitor in 2020 or if there will be any it will remain very limited.

While our vehicles remain grounded our minds can still dream and be creative.
As lives will be different I would like to welcome you to start thinking about visiting Scotland perhaps in 2021 or later. Do get in touch and raise all your safety concerns with me and I will aim to reassure you where I can.
I have never required a deposit for booking and I will not do so in future so if you wish to make plans now you can by using the form below and if you book you can always cancel without any costs: