With the new restrictions put in place we could still go on a tour across Scotland but pretty much only with up to six people of one household.
So for sightseeing 2020 looks a little like a total write off. However, not all is bleak.
I foster a lifelong fascination for flying and think in general that it is a good idea to provide you, my customers, with more unusal activities which you could add on to future tours (potentially in 2021). Already in 2019 we added on the possibilitly to combine a tour with an airexperience at the Scottish Gliding Centre at Portmoak in Fife or to go flying with the Loch Lomond Seaplanes.
My own airexperience resulted in me aiming to one day fly solo in a glider. On the way there I had the opportunity to take these photographs below. Enjoy!!!