After months on end in lockdown due to the Coronavirus pandemic mental health has come to the forefront of attention in society in general and life has still not returned back to normal and perhaps never will. Whether this is for the worse or the better remains to be seen.
Meanwhile booking holidays abroad remains risky and holidaying at home (here in the UK) might even add to your depression if you expect sunshine.
Getting away from it all is probably more important than ever but doing so seems equally more difficult than ever.

So if you need to opt for a staycation as at least it can be guaranteed to actually happen (Covid-19 permitting) what are your options?
I offer bespoke tours (currently up to six people of one household) all over Scotland from half a day to as many days as you like. I will take care of all your bookings (if you wish), all the planning and provide worry-free travelling.
I am obviously aware that this offer is not particularily special, BUT while you can just opt to visit popular visitor attractions you can also request something quite special.
I am a Scottish resident by choice and live here because Scotland is my dream.

I love the vastness of landscapes, the fairy-tale like character of many wee villages, the fact that places often relate to Gaelic and their names mean so much more. I love the friendliness of her people as much as the all evident story-telling. In some of the remoter places time has just stopped (and technology has not reached them). If you choose so you can go about not meeting anyone for days but if you do they will be friendly and in no way scary.

So Scotland heavily volunteers to connect with nature and go about life in a mindful manner, even if it does rain for days on end and the midges are after you.
During my tours I share with you my love for this country and equally all the places I have grown so fond of.
If mindfulness is something you would like to try you can pretty much literally go anywhere in Scotland.
All you need to do is open your eyes and take a deep breath. If you like more guidance I can assist you with yoga if you wish.