Gradually, more and more businesses and attractions publish their re-opening.
We are not there yet but there are sure signs that some day in the not too distant future we will be able to offer tours all over Scotland again.

To be honest I cannot wait but would meanwhile provide some re-assurance that our vehicles and drivers are very cautious about Coivd-19 safe processes.
Threrefore our vehicles are fitted with protective screens and are cleaned after each use, both with desinfectant and UV sanitisers, which are also used on our credit card facilities. We operated a DEW air purifiers, hand sanitisers are available to our customers and are used by our drivers. Our drivers wear face mask and we can supply you with a face mask should you have forgotten you own.

The vehicles are all 8 seaters taxis which are currently operated as 6 seater for people from one household.
With all this in place we are very hopeful to provide safe, enjoyable tours all across Scotland in due course. Watch this space or start your journey by filling out this contact form to start planning you next trip!