2022 was a busy season for Starfish Travel and I was blessed with so many lovely customers who took me all over the country. In winter I focus more on teaching yoga and finally find the time to share someof the 2022 highlights with you.

I would like to introduce you to Britain’s first lending library: Inverpeffray just outside Crieff. Nowadays you would think it is situated very remotely but back in Roman times a strategic road passed right through here. Below you can view the history of the Innerpeffray Library
When we visited we had a passionate book lover as our guide and he was so knowlegdable. He invited my customers to handle an old bible and found the village they were from on an old map

The library started in the nearby church but quickly outgrew the space. Robert Hay Drummond had the current building purposefully constructed in 1762.

The space of the library in its own right makes it well worth a visit. If you add on the knowledge our guide possessed you never want to leave again.

He showed us a selection of miniature books which were almost as fascinating as all the many old books.

Our guide almost drew our attention to an early book on what we would nowadays call depression:

If you require some exercise after spending hours inside because there is so much to see you can enjoy the heritage trail outside:

If you wisj to visit the library you can make it part of a tour with myself:
You can certainly also just go there yourself. The Library is open for visits Wednesday to Saturday 10am – 5pm and Sundays 2pm – 5pm.
You can finf more information HERE
If you are unable to visit in person perhabs yoiu would enjoy browsing their shop.
Whatever you do Innerpeffray Library is certainly worth supporting