I recently published a post on visiting Innerpeffray Library and have since than given myself a lovely, early Christmas present by buying the exquisitely published book telling the story of Britain’s first lending library spiced with a good bit of Scottish history as well.
If you, like me, love books or know someone who does this would be a fabulous xmas present. Just take a look how carefully this has been produced:

The book itself is only 130 something pages long but every one a little piece of art in its own right.

You could obviously rush over to Innerpeffray Library (Wednesday to Saturday 10am – 5pm and Sundays 2pm – 5pm) purchase your own copy (or one for a hughly valued acquaintance) should that fail, however, you can also order one online.

This is certainly not the cheapest book you ever bought, but you are supporting the library and apart from that it is truly addictive. ENJOY!!!