Darrach Croft

Sarah & Hugh with some of their farm animals at Darach Social Croft

Sarah and Hugh created Darach Social Croft in 2017 and work it as a traditional croft with the vision “close to nature – close to you” and I can assure you their produce is most delicious! Both of them have a background in assisting people with mental healths, controlling substance use and learning disabilities and wish to establish a care farm providing social, mental health and educational services.

You can also learn about traditional crofting , the local history, animal husbandry, regenerative farming practices, mindfulness, forest bathing, felting, spinning and much, much more.

Darach Social Croft’s goat

Apart from being a lot of fun and very educational your visit at Darach will also enable you to briefly share this amazing spot in the Western Highlands. Enjoy the breath-taking views and the restfulness of Darach’s own waterfall.

You can also join courses at Darach Social Croft and last but not least you can purchase some of their products: wool, meat & eggs , arts & crafts.

A green man
Darch Croft wool
Felt oak leaves
Raw material
Producing Highland honey
Murphy enjoying a view
Waterfall at Darach Social Croft
View back into the valley at Darach Social Croft
Darach Croft’s own unicorn
View into the mountains from Darach Croft
Charlie the resident “guard” dog
Stunning view from the fields surrounding Darach Croft
Mossy tree at Darach Croft
Beautiful tree in front of the remains of an old black house at Darach Croft
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